Oil shale ash

By using ash you are contributing to the circular economy

Natural and versatile material

Combustion of oil shale produces ash with a diverse mineral composition, which can be used to increase the yield of fields, to produce building materials and for many other purposes.

Four ways to use oil shale ash

In agriculture

Creates better growing conditions for plants and increases crop yields

In the production of building materials

Suitable as an ingredient in building materials

For closing depleted oil and gas fields

The ash-based material prevents the release of carbon dioxide from the wells to the atmosphere

Soil support

The ash is the basis for a wind farm near Narva.

Possibilities of using oil shale ash can also be found outside Estonia

Burnt oil shale is a chemical in the meaning of REACH regulation and is registered in the European Chemicals Agency's database allowing the transport of ash within the European Union (REACH registration number: 01-2119703178-42-0002).

In 2018, oil shale ash was excluded from hazardous waste. Thanks to this, oil shale ash can be recycled more and more opportunities are found outside Estonia.

Uses of oil shale ash

In the production of building materials

Oil shale ash is used as a main constituent in cement production, in production of aerated autoclaved concrete blocks and as an additive to concrete production (also in underfill mixtures) and in dry building mixtures. The quality of oil shale is determined by the Estonian standard EVS 927: 2018. See also a certificate of conformity for construction burned oil shale.

- Oil shale ash as admixture for concrete »

In road construction

Põlevkivituhk sobib pehme pinnase mass-stabiliseerimiseks ning maanteede, raudteede ja torujuhtmete vundamentide ehitamiseks.

Oil shale ash is suitable for mass stabilization of soft soils and for laying foundations for highways, railways and pipelines

In ports

For port expansion and mass stabilization of contaminated soil

In agriculture

For neutralization of acidic soils and for the improvement of arable and grassland soils. Oil shale ash helps to increase the yield of fields.

In the plastics industry

as filler

In ecological projects

For example, as a binder for CO2 and sulfur from energy production


Riho Merila

Fuel trader