Soil improver Enefix

Higher yields and savings in farming costs

Enefix creates good growth conditions for plants.

A soil improver improves soil fertility and reduces infection by plant diseases. In addition, Enefix inhibits the growth of moss in the soil.

The production of Enefix does not use chemical compounds, so Enefix improves soil quality.

Four reasons to choose Enefix soil improvers

Higher field yields

Savings on fertilizer costs

Faster plant growth

Suitable for organic fields

Soil improver helps to increase the yield of (organic) fields

  • Balances soil pH and improves soil quality.
  • Improves nutrient solubility in soil.
  • Increases the amount of trace elements (calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, manganese, copper, zinc and silicon) in the soil and helps plants to better absorb nutrients.
  • Reduces soil crust and mud formation and helps prevent erosion.
  • Saves fertilizer costs because it works fast and it has low unit cost per hectare.
  • Makes soil structure more fragile and provides better air and water permeability, helping seeds germinate faster and root system to grow.
  • The yields of the fields are increasing: the combination of calcium, humus and clay creates favourable growth conditions and the soil remains fertile.

Opinions of cooperation partners

Consistent liming increased yields

"The yield from our 80 ha field, where we tested oil shale dust ash last year, increased significantly the following year and the fertilizer intake of the plants improved. We realized that liming had to be done systematically."

Marek Kruusla

Farmer and agronomist of the Kaska-Luiga farm engaged in milk production and breeding animals and growing cereals

Enefix is rich in minerals and is well suited for organic farming

"Enefix soil improver has a perspective and potential in organic farming. The yields measured in field trials in 2017 after using Enefix soil improver was 150-830 kg/ha.  The natural origin of Enefix, its rich mineral content and its alkaline neutralizing composition make soil improver a necessary and suitable product in organic farming."

Margus Ess

Member of the Management Board of the Organic Producers' Council 

Enefix improves soil composition

"Enefix is the ideal lime fertilizer for its dryness, fineness and ability to neutralize. Soil improver helps to quickly overcome the acidic reaction of the soil, significantly improves plant nutrition and improves the overall condition of the soil. In large-scale production, it is easy to mechanize sowing. There is not much fear for over-fertilization."

Ervi Lauk (1942-2017)

Doctor of Science, Institute of Agricultural and Environmental Research, conducted research on oil shale ash at the Estonian

Enefix works quickly

"In the current difficult economic situation, it is important that every single expense made on a field is recovered in the same year. Enefix, a meliorant with good neutralization ability, is the best solution because, in addition to its rapid action, it keeps the soil's soil response optimized in subsequent harvest years, and as a bonus, the product contains macro and micro elements."

Mihkel Hang

Head of Sales for Scandagra Eesti AS, seller of agricultural supplies


Riho Merila

Fuel trader